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This whitepaper identifies the leading techniques for health data exchange aligned with the 21st Century Cures Act.

Topics include:

  • Healthcare delivery landscape
  • FHIR, Direct Messaging and other data sharing techniques
  • What's in, what's out, and why
  • Business objectives
  • CCD exchange, care transitions and other workflows

And a collection of real world use cases and data sharing applications.


Executive Summary

Succeeding in the complex business of healthcare requires embracing healthcare delivery transformation. Healthcare delivery transformation describes the healthcare industry's response to the disruptive effects of the transition from fee-for-service healthcare to a new pay-for-value model. 

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The litany of new initiatives that are driving healthcare transformation offer a variety of payment models. All require sharing of clinical data across the care continuum, including patients and their care teams. 

Health data exchange is no longer optional:

  • 21st Century Cures Act requires sharing of clinical data across the care continuum
  • Data sharing is a critical component of a successful business plan
  • How sharing options achieve healthcare transformation objectives is a pre-requisite to defining an effective strategy

While many data exchange techniques are available in the market, this paper focuses on a few approaches that are readily available, economical to implement and are supported by HHS/CMS/ONC via incentive payment programs. These include secure email / email encryption, Direct Messaging and open APIs like FHIR.


What people are saying

about healthcare delivery transformation

There is proven correlation between unobstructed data sharing and better clinical decision-making.

Direct helps advance the mission of the Direct Project, which is to implement common standards in healthcare for the interoperable sharing of electronic information. 

Email encryption, Direct Messaging, and open FHIR APIs are the future of healthcare data sharing.